
What is user journey mapping in design thinking

what is user journey mapping in design thinking

In this post, I will explain what is user journey mapping in design thinking, and go a step further to explain the key components of the user journey map. I will also uncover the benefits of a user journey map to your business. I won’t cover the steps to create one (unless you want me to: reach out to me if you do). I don’t think we need to reinvent the wheel here, I learnt these steps from the design thinking gods: IDEOU and Nielson Norman and you can too.

However, if you’re interested in learning my experience – the view point of a design researcher who has worked with start ups and agencies on different products for various industries and you want my real life experience – here it is.

What is user journey mapping in design thinking

User journey mapping is a visual representation of the user’s experience as they interact with a product or service. It serves as a roadmap for understanding user needs, pain points, and motivations at each stage of their journey. By mapping the user’s thoughts, feelings, and actions, businesses can gain invaluable insights that inform product development and optimization.

User journey mapping is not merely a data-gathering exercise; it is a transformative tool that fosters empathy and human-centered design. By stepping into the user’s shoes, designers and stakeholders can identify areas of friction and develop solutions that address real-world user needs.

Empathy-Driven Design

Design thinking, a methodology that prioritizes user needs, revolves around empathy. User journey mapping embodies this empathy-driven approach by enabling designers to connect with users on a deeper level. Through the process of mapping the user’s journey, designers can visualize the emotional highs and lows experienced throughout the interaction, gaining a profound understanding of user perspectives.

This empathetic approach is crucial for creating products and services that resonate with users. By comprehending their motivations, pain points, and aspirations, designers can craft solutions that not only address functional needs but also evoke positive emotions and enhance the overall user experience.

User journey mapping serves as a powerful tool for transforming empathy into actionable insights, ensuring that design decisions are grounded in a deep understanding of the user’s perspective.

What is user journey mapping in design thinking: the components of a User Journey Map

A user journey map is typically depicted as a horizontal timeline, is divided into distinct sections that represent the various stages of the user’s journey. Each section is further segmented to accommodate key components that provide a holistic view of the user’s interaction.

The key components of a user journey map work in synergy to paint a vivid picture of the user’s experience. These components include:

User Persona:

user persona for lottiefiles

The user persona represents the target user, embodying their characteristics, motivations, and goals. It serves as a constant reminder of the individual whose journey is being mapped.

Read my case study on how my team and I worked together to craft the LottieFiles primary persona.


Touchpoints represent the interactions between the user and the product or service. These interactions occur at various stages of the journey and can include physical touchpoints (e.g., product usage) or digital touchpoints (e.g., website interactions).


Actions represent the user’s specific behaviors and interactions with the product or service. They describe what the user does at each touchpoint, providing insights into their behavior and intentions.


Thoughts represent the user’s internal monologue, capturing their thoughts, perceptions, and questions as they move through the journey. Understanding user thoughts unveils their cognitive process and helps identify potential areas of confusion or frustration.


Feelings represent the user’s emotional responses to their experiences. These emotions can range from positive (e.g., satisfaction, excitement) to negative (e.g., frustration, disappointment). Identifying emotional highs and lows is crucial for designing emotionally resonant experiences. I prefer to split this section into two: pain points and happy moments:

Pain Points:

Happy moments:

Encompass positive experiences or interactions that evoke feelings of satisfaction, delight, or fulfillment within users. Identifying and creating happy moments is crucial for fostering user engagement and loyalty.

Now these are the basic MUST have components of a user journey map. But I like to add a couple more depending on the type of product I am working on:


Represent the desired outcomes or objectives that users strive to achieve through their interaction with a product or service. Defining clear goals helps ensure that the user experience is aligned with users’ needs and intentions.

Opportunities for improvement:

david travis: Opportunities for improvement in user journey mapping

Refer to areas where the user experience can be enhanced to better meet user needs and expectations. Recognizing and addressing opportunities for improvement is essential for continuous improvement and user satisfaction.

Tools and services:

Represent the existing resources and functionalities that users encounter and interact with throughout their experience. Mapping these tools and services helps identify how they support or hinder user progress towards their goals. By analyzing their effectiveness, opportunities for improvement and innovation can be revealed (under opportunities for improvement).

What is user journey mapping in design thinking: Benefits of User Journey Mapping

You’ll find out your user’s needs and pain points

User journey mapping is a powerful tool for uncovering user needs and pain points. By carefully examining the user’s actions, thoughts, feelings, and interactions throughout their journey, businesses can gain valuable insights into the specific aspects of their product or service that are causing friction or hindering user satisfaction.

The benefit to your business:

Through this process of identification, businesses can prioritize improvements that address the most critical user needs and pain points. This data-driven approach ensures that product development efforts are focused on areas that will have the greatest impact on user satisfaction and overall business outcomes.

Enhancing your product’s user experience

A well-crafted user journey map serves as a blueprint for enhancing user experience. By understanding the user’s needs, pain points, and emotional responses, businesses can identify opportunities to improve the overall user experience. This may involve streamlining processes, simplifying interactions, or adding features that address specific user needs.

The impact of user journey mapping on user experience is multifaceted. It can lead to:

  • Increased user satisfaction: By addressing pain points and enhancing usability, user journey mapping can foster a more positive and satisfying user experience.

  • Improved product usability: Identifying areas of confusion or friction can lead to design improvements that make the product easier to use and navigate.

  • Reduced customer support costs: Addressing pain points proactively can minimize the need for customer support interventions, reducing costs and improving overall customer satisfaction.

What is user journey mapping in design thinking: Inform your product development process (your project manager will love you)

User journey mapping transforms product development by shifting the focus from product features to user needs. Instead of solely considering technical specifications, businesses can adopt a user-centric approach that prioritizes the user’s experience.

This shift in mindset leads to several transformative outcomes:

  • User-driven design: Product decisions are grounded in a deep understanding of user needs, ensuring that features and functionalities align with user expectations and behaviors.

  • Reduced development risks: By identifying potential usability issues early on, businesses can minimize the risk of costly rework and ensure that products are well-received by users.

  • Increased innovation: User journey mapping can uncover hidden needs and opportunities that may not have been apparent through traditional product development approaches.

Conclusion: What is user journey mapping in design thinking

If you have ever wondered what it’s like to be your user? Or you claim to be the user yourself. Stop and do a user journey map – it’s eye-opening how it will feel like you’re peeking into their minds and hearts as they interact with your product or service.

So, the next time you’re brainstorming, don’t just think features, think feelings. If you need help creating a user journey map don’t hesitate to reach out to me: Contact roxanne rosewood

I’m a design researcher of over 5 years and I’ve crafted over dozens of user journey maps and facilitated UX workshops to get the whole team on board. I help remove silo’s and build the team’s understanding around the user which helps you build products that people want and need!

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